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Fileserver offline!
By: WoG  on: Tue 02 of Nov, 2004 [21:44 UTC]  (6016 reads)
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Liebe User!

Aufgrund eines Festplatten-Crashs ist unser File-Server zur Zeit offline. Somit funktionieren unsere Downloads im moment nicht.
Leider ist auch unser (Sub-)Forum davon betroffen.
An der Behebung des Problems wird gearbeitet.
Wir bitten um Verständnis! -- new url
By: WoG  on: Sat 19 of Jun, 2004 [21:43 UTC]  (6205 reads)
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dear users,

we have to announce, that our hosting account at has expired.
so we had to port our forum to a new location.

the new url is
our redirector is out-dated at the moment and will take some time to be up-to-date again. so, please use the first url right now.

we are sorry to say, that our new server is blocked from the firewall of the vienna university of technology at the moment.
but we are reachable, if you have been assigned an ip of the TU - network.
if not, you can install the cisco vpn client and log in to your vpn-account
you can find an howto at

you also can use lynx on one of the studX-servers.

best regards,
the team
Hades ist wieder online!
By: WoG  on: Mon 10 of May, 2004 [21:39 UTC]  (5899 reads)
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Hades ist wieder online.
Somit gehen unsere Downloads und das wieder.
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